Friday, September 07, 2007

Time to get after it again...

I DID IT!!! I finally graduated from the Academy! And (to toot my own horn) with top honors as well! So, you might ask, WHAT does this have to do with my blog about SCOOTERS!!??!?!


Now that I am out of the academy, I will be doing shift work. What this means is that I will be working Sunday and Monday nights from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., Tuesday nights from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. and Wednesday only 6 hours. THEN is the cool part...I get 3 1/2 days OFF!! In a row!!! Holy Scooting, Batman!

I will be able to tinker on my scooters (I've actually done a little of that recently) and a whole lot of riding! When I ride and tinker, I blog. That's just the way it works. So for those of you who read and enjoy my stories, I will now be able to add stuff on (hopefully) a regular basis.

Lookin' forward to it, my friends.

C-ya...ride on!


Lambrettaman said...


Nice going.

Scott said...

Excellent, get to riding, tinkering and blogging :)

Unknown said...

congrats, keys! now go have a blast.

Jeremy Z said...

Nice! I'm glad things are on the up & up for you!